How does consistency sound?

In the Studio Vocal-Acting many years of practical experience are combined with curiosity and creativity. Carola von Seherr-Thoss supports you in optimizing your voice and your performance – for a successful performance that is well received.

The following customers from Munich and all over Bavaria have successfully benefited from coaching with Carola von Seherr-Thoss in the Studio Vocal-Acting:


Opinions of convinced customers

Studio Vocal-Acting’s coaching is aimed at personalities who are often in the foreground and want to optimize their performance.

Carola von Seherr-Thoss’ coaching philosophy can be summed up quickly: coaching must be fun, tangible and, above all, applicable in everyday working life.
Here are some testimonials from clients who are excited about coaching at Studio Vocal-Acting:

Eva Demmelhuber / integrated architecture
Carola Goering
Krug Company
MAN Diesel
Münchener Schachakademie
Pfau PR
PV Planungsverband Äußerer Wirtschaftsraum München
Sales force
Start talking
Sonnenklar TV
Vogel Communications Group
American Vintage
Red7 Entertainment
Studio Stadt Region


Opinions of convinced customers

Studio Vocal-Acting’s coaching is aimed at actors who want to optimize their performance in film / television or in the theater.

Carola von Seherr-Thoss’ coaching philosophy can be summed up quickly: coaching must be fun, tangible and, above all, immediately applicable in front of the camera or on stage.
Here are some testimonials from clients who are enthusiastic about the coaching at Studio Vocal-Acting.

Bayerische Theaterakademie August Everding
cma Schauspielmanagement Patricia Kastner
fastfood theater München
Tollhaus Theater Compagnie
Hochschule für Musik und Theater München
Hff München
Freies Musikzentrum München

Patricia Aulitzki / Maria Bachmann
Mareile Blendl / Ute Cremer
Julia Dahmen / Petra Einhoff
Liane Forestieri / Vanessa Jeker
Karin Krug / Markus Krojer / Lena Dörrie
Katja Lechthaler / Nicole Marischka
Katharina May / Simon Pierro
Ralf Schicha / Wolfgang Seidenberg
Klaus Steinbacher / Jonathan Beck
Tim Seyfi / Janina Stopper
Anno Köhler / Jürgen Tonkel
Andreas Wolf / Frederic Welter
Nicholas Reinke / Georgia Stahl /
Susanne von Medvey / Katrin Lux
Katrin Röver / Sebastian Feicht
Sebastian Fischer / Ferdinand Hofer

Maggie Peren


Opinions of convinced customers Studio Vocal-Acting’s coaching is aimed at speakers who want to optimize their know-how on-stage and in the recording studio.

Carola von Seherr-Thoss’ coaching philosophy can be summed up quickly: coaching must be fun, tangible and, above all, applicable in one’s own professional practice.
Here are some of the voices of well-known speakers and moderators who are enthusiastic about the coaching in Studio Vocal-Acting:

BR Radio Arabella
Antenne Bayern
Inter / Aktion Gesellschaft für interaktive Medien
Sprecheragentur Caroline Millahn
Paul Baumgartner / Andreas Borcherding
David Hahn / Daniel Schlauch
Gabi Hinterstoisser / Markus Kästle
Matti Klemm / Tinka Kleffner
Karim Kammouchi / Jens Liedtke
Shirin Lotze / Sabrina Staubitz
Christina Teuthorn / Jan Wiecken
David Williamson / Frank Woelfel
Karim El Kammouchi / John Friedmann
Jenny Roller-Spoo / Caroline Ebner
Lea Kalbhenn / Judith Peres
Maria Rabl / Funda Vanroy
Mirko Kasimir / Sebastian Panholzer
Jan Stremmel / Sarah Winkhaus
Arne Hörmann / Jo Vossenkuhl
Claudia Jacobacci / Ralph Wagner
Martin Bonvicini / Benjamin Krause
Felix Auer / Bente Lay /
Jacqueline Belle / Dustin Peters

Carola ist eine tolle Lehrerin und Coach. Wie sie ihr Wissen in u.a. Technik, Atmung, Sprachgestaltung und den vielen anderen verschiedenen Spielarten des Berufs vermitteln kann, macht nicht nur Spaß, sondern hat meine Fähigkeiten entscheidend verbessert. Auch ihre praxisnahen Tipps für die Branche, helfen sich erfolgreich zu vermarkten und einen Fuß in die Tür zu bekommen. Ich freue mich auf viele weitere Stunden mit ihr.
Tobias Klose, Geschäftsführer bei Enrico Pallazzo
An impressive and helpful coaching service! Ms. von Seherr-Thoss is passionate and eager, puts herself in the shoes of her coaching clients and helps with presentation and personality development! Her service is highly recommended and I will definitely continue to use Frau von Seherr- Thoss' service! Interalp-Touristik, Sigrid Ruppe-Senn
Perfektes Sprecher-Coaching! Carola holt ihre Schüler dort ab wo sie stehen und bringt sie voran. Individuell auf die jeweiligen Wünsche und "Baustellen" zugeschnitten. Egal, wo es hakt - ob Sprechtechnik, Akquise oder Schauspieltraining - Carola setzt den richtigen Hebel an. Immer wertschätzend und auf Augenhöhe. Anja Taborsky
Anja Taborsky, Sprecherin
l've been With Carola since June 2017 and I feel very well looked after and understood there. For me it's wonderful to have someone like Carola as a coach. Because it's not that easy for me. Ilm a jack of all trades and do a lot of different things. But Carola can always easily switch between all topics and strengthen my weak points. She immediately sees what is causing a problem and uses her knowledge and experience to get to the root of the problem. We are currently working hard on my role for a feature film and I am "learning" to breathe. You wouldn't believe how much you forget or neglect how to breathe over time. Whether singing, breathing, acting, moderating or finding your center, Carola is always there for her students With lots of positive energy.
Funda Vanroy, presenter, speaker
The plan was to discover even more theater after 20 years, to focus on microphone and camera work. Carola's coaching is, to use all the buzzwords of today: a total package, holistic medicine and sustainable development aid. Thank you, dear Carola, for your clever perception. You have recognized where my strengths are and where I am missing something. You supported me full of energy and care. I learned a lot and took even more with me.
Caroline Ebner, Actress, Speaker, Author and Carola fan
Als Trauerrednerin liegt es mir am Herzen, meinen Reden das besondere Etwas zu geben. Denn für die Angehörigen soll dieser so wichtige Abschied von ihrem lieben verstorbenen Menschen in unvergesslicher, positiver Erinnerung bleiben. Auf Empfehlung einer Freundin kam ich zu Carola und war sofort von ihrer hohen Professionalität und Erfahrung angetan. Durch die Übungen, die sie mit mir erarbeitet hat, habe ich gelernt, bewusster mit meiner Stimme umzugehen und sie optimal einzusetzen. Seitdem bekomme ich sogar immer wieder Komplimente zu meiner schönen Stimme! Besonders wertvoll finde ich Carolas Empfehlungen, die weit über das rein Technische hinausgehen: z. B. wie definiere ich meine Rolle als Rednerin, wie gehe ich mit herausfordernden Redesituationen um, wie bringe ich meine ganze Ausstrahlung rüber…. Damit hat sie mich darin unterstützt, meine Reden nochmal auf eine ganz andere Ebene zu heben. Ein großes DANKE dafür und eine klare Empfehlung an alle, denen professionelles Reden wichtig ist! Liebevolles Loslassen
Sibylle Schiller, Trauerrednerin
The coaching With Carola von Seherr-Thoss is valuable and recommendable for me in various ways. She has a wonderful ability to empathize with people and think inside them, in order to then give enriching tips and new motivation from this perspective. In doing so, she thankfully does not proceed according to a formula, but rather flexibly and individually. In addition, it also provides professionals with new tools for speech formation that can be implemented quickly and easily. Carola gave me fresh impetus for my work as a speaker and at the same time I was able to refine my speaking technique - and always with a good portion of fun!
Petra Preuß, actress, speaker
As an urban planner at STUDIO I CITY I REGION, Munich, I moderate and supervise events on urban development topics in various formats - plenary sessions to workshops. The management enables us employees to receive professional coaching for such performances at Carola's. She is fantastic at understanding our specific processes and supports us in a targeted manner before moderation assignments! Especially in group coaching, the whole team benefits from her tips. As a result, our performances become more confident and professional from time to time, which is well received by the audience and customers. Stephanie Wenzel
Stephanie Wenzel, Architect, Urban Planner
Carola gives you precise and concrete help with questions and difficulties. Your tips and techniques can be implemented and used directly. Clarifying and consolidating what already exists and what has been achieved, exciting new discoveries. Rarely has "self-development" been more fun than here - it was just cool 😉
Mark Kuhn, actor, speaker
Das Präsentations-Coaching bei Carola ist für mich ein echter Augenöffner. Einerseits für die professionellere Präsentation vor der Kamera, andererseits auch für meine Vorbereitung, das Scripten und vor allem für das Storytelling. Und genau das sorgt für mehr Personality, mehr Professionalität und schließlich auch mehr Reichweite. Damit ist das Coaching auch absolut empfehlenswert für Youtuber und Influencer. Pixelconnect
Thomas Stuchlik, Freiberuflicher Redakteur & Content Creator