Recognize –
Decide –

Make your personal visions more concrete, get to know your ability to act and sharpen your personal profile

Do you want to stimulate top performance? Your visions are in demand? In Studio Vocal-Acting, the world of business meets the world of art and artists. The coaching is tailored to the topics that you bring with you from your professional practice.

In personal coaching, the focus is on you as a manager. You benefit from methods from NLP, creative training, and acting for yourself personally and your leadership role. Practice-oriented training and relaxation exercises strengthen your work-life balance. You will receive strategies and tools for change processes in the company or in your personal career. Studio Vocal-Acting works specifically on questions and topics that you bring with you from your professional practice.

Create clarity

You focus on the essentials. They illuminate complex topics from as many perspectives as possible. You get a bird's-eye view of the whole scenario. You recognize cause-and-effect relationships and new options for action emerge.

Deepen perception

We ask precise questions: How do you see yourself as a manager? What is the impact of your leadership behavior? What roles do you play? We sharpen your view of your behavior and your roles, which you assume in the different scenarios and processes.

Build on strengths

What are your "star roles"? Do you know your talents and your special strengths? Where, when and how do you achieve maximum impact?

Develop creativity

Clear the stage for the star among ideas! Take advantage of the chaos. Enjoy the blank canvas. Take your time! You don't always have to have the answer ready right away. In this way, new solutions can emerge that are an answer to our increasingly complex questions.

Strengthen intuition

You know everything you need to know when you know where the inner knowing lies.

Allow yourself a moment to breathe deeply

Studio Vocal-Acting offers you optimal instructions for self-management. Get to know techniques with which you can optimally regenerate in everyday work.

Carola von Seherr-Thoss will work with you to determine your strengths, sharpen your focus on the essentials and enable you to achieve your goals in your professional and private life in the long term.

The coaching with Carola von Seherr-Thoss can be applied immediately in practice. You will receive clearly structured exercises so that you can make rapid progress in speaking.

Coaching has to be fun. And one thing we have learned in the course of our work: humor is contagious!

Carola begleitet und unterstützt mich nun schon seit fast seit 10 Jahren bei meiner beruflichen Weiterentwicklung. Waren die ersten Jahre vor allem Gesprächsführung und Stimme die vorherrschenden Themen, schätze ich nun ihre Expertise und ihre Tipps bezüglich Rhetorik und Präsentationen. Es ist wirklich beeindruckend, wie gut sich Carola in meine berufliche Situationen einfühlen kann und mich immer wieder mit konkreten Tipps unterstützt!
Susanne Edhofer, Medical Scientist Cell Therapie
Das Präsentations-Coaching bei Carola ist für mich ein echter Augenöffner. Einerseits für die professionellere Präsentation vor der Kamera, andererseits auch für meine Vorbereitung, das Scripten und vor allem für das Storytelling. Und genau das sorgt für mehr Personality, mehr Professionalität und schließlich auch mehr Reichweite. Damit ist das Coaching auch absolut empfehlenswert für Youtuber und Influencer. Pixelconnect
Thomas Stuchlik, Freiberuflicher Redakteur & Content Creator
Ihre Vita spricht für sich. Die Dame unterrichtet nicht umsonst an der renommierten August-Everding-Akademie. Klare Empfehlung!
Armin Lissfeld, Publisher, Autor, Berater
Carola von Seherr-Thoss ist ein Coach der neuen Zeit und ihr Coaching-Ansatz ist einzigartig. Im Personalcoaching für Führungskräfte kombiniert sie klassische Methoden der Führung mit innovativen Werkzeugen aus Kreativtraining und Schauspiel, und schafft somit einen Raum für unerwartete Perspektiven und neue Lösungen. Jedes Coaching ist maßgeschneidert und auf die praktischen Bedürfnisse der Führungskraft ausgerichtet, wodurch Wirkung und Erfolg ihrer Coaching-Sessions garantiert sind. Carola ist eine unverzichtbare Begleitung auf meiner Reise als Führungskraft und darüber hinaus eine wahre Inspiration für meine persönliche Weiterentwicklung.
Christina Raab, Chief Executive Board Director
I’ve worked with Carola for many years during different phases of my personal executive development. Carola possesses a unique combination of skills in the space of professional acting and executive coaching (presence, presentation, communication) combined with an amazing personality. That combination of skills allows her to provide a whole new approach of modern executive coaching esp. in the space of executive presence, presenting and communicating. She creates whole new perspectives and approaches. Carola has supported me over many years during my executive and personal development and has been a true inspiration. I can highly recommend her services.
Daniel Dibbets, Vice President at Oracle