Coching pays off

In the compact training with Carola von Seherr-Thoss, you benefit from her 25 years of professional experience as an artistic university lecturer. You will receive training as a speaker that is tailored to your professional requirements and that will enable you to expand your professional field to include your speaker work.

You can gain experience in microphone speaking in the compact training in the recording studio. You have the option of recording audio files directed by Carola von Seherr-Thoss, with texts specially written for you. We work together with the Amazonas Studios. You will receive practice-oriented suggestions for your speaker acquisition.

Learning can be fun! Humor is contagious!

Breathing and body awareness exercises

You develop your voice optimally so that it becomes resilient and you can easily and flexibly cope with speaking requirements. Learn where in your body the noticeable "foundation" of your voice lies, what really supports it. You will receive a suitable program with breathing exercises that you can integrate into your everyday speaker work.


You increase your sound volume and gain in volume and carrying capacity. You will learn what constitutes the specific quality of your voice, what your optimal speaking tone is. how high and how low you can speak, making your voice warm and full. Based on practical experience, we put together exercises that you can use to warm up, regenerate and keep your voice fat every day.


Exercises on articulation, phonetics and speech rhythm are a good addition to voice training. You will receive speech exercises tailored to you, with which you can train your comprehensibility and correct dialectal coloring.


News, factual texts, advertising, trailers, documentaries, features, reports - how do I work out the core statements? Each genre requires its own tonality. It means mastering the art of differentiation, being able to put yourself effortlessly into the respective genre and the current situation. What role do emphasis / intonation / speech melody / speech rhythm / tempo, change of tempo / dynamics / caesura play?


Flexibility exercises in voice and composition expand your acting ability to quickly find different totalities for different characters. Studio Vocal Acting offers dubbing coaching for actors in cooperation with the voice actress Susanne von Medvey and the Amazonasstudios .

Creation and recording of your audio files

Together we will put together texts on various genres from radio and television, which you can use to apply for your desired speaking position. Studio Vocal Acting works together with Amazonas Studios. Here we record your audio files under professional conditions.

Acquisition advice

For every freelance speaker, their own acquisition should be part of their everyday work. Together we will develop your acquisition strategy that suits you and optimally takes up the circumstances of the speaker business. When lightness and fun come together, success is not long in coming.

Already 12 coaching hours in the Studio Vocal-Acting are an excellent entry-level package!

Soundfiles – Speaker - Demos

Feel free to listen to the sound files on our Soundcloud, demos for speaker acquisition.
We record the files in cooperation with Amazonasstudios.

Sponsored coaching

If necessary, GVL makes a financial contribution to professionals, actors or speakers who are already registered with GVL.
With a corresponding application, she participates in 12 individual coaching sessions over a period of 6 months, for example.
With coaching in the Studio Vocal-Acting, this can account for around 80% of the costs for an individual lesson.
This application can be made for a maximum of three consecutive years.

Interest? Then ask in the Studio Vocal-Acting, because further training pays off!

Carola ist eine tolle Lehrerin und Coach. Wie sie ihr Wissen in u.a. Technik, Atmung, Sprachgestaltung und den vielen anderen verschiedenen Spielarten des Berufs vermitteln kann, macht nicht nur Spaß, sondern hat meine Fähigkeiten entscheidend verbessert. Auch ihre praxisnahen Tipps für die Branche, helfen sich erfolgreich zu vermarkten und einen Fuß in die Tür zu bekommen. Ich freue mich auf viele weitere Stunden mit ihr.
Tobias Klose, Geschäftsführer bei Enrico Pallazzo
Als Trauerrednerin liegt es mir am Herzen, meinen Reden das besondere Etwas zu geben. Denn für die Angehörigen soll dieser so wichtige Abschied von ihrem lieben verstorbenen Menschen in unvergesslicher, positiver Erinnerung bleiben. Auf Empfehlung einer Freundin kam ich zu Carola und war sofort von ihrer hohen Professionalität und Erfahrung angetan. Durch die Übungen, die sie mit mir erarbeitet hat, habe ich gelernt, bewusster mit meiner Stimme umzugehen und sie optimal einzusetzen. Seitdem bekomme ich sogar immer wieder Komplimente zu meiner schönen Stimme! Besonders wertvoll finde ich Carolas Empfehlungen, die weit über das rein Technische hinausgehen: z. B. wie definiere ich meine Rolle als Rednerin, wie gehe ich mit herausfordernden Redesituationen um, wie bringe ich meine ganze Ausstrahlung rüber…. Damit hat sie mich darin unterstützt, meine Reden nochmal auf eine ganz andere Ebene zu heben. Ein großes DANKE dafür und eine klare Empfehlung an alle, denen professionelles Reden wichtig ist! Liebevolles Loslassen
Sibylle Schiller, Trauerrednerin
Perfektes Sprecher-Coaching! Carola holt ihre Schüler dort ab wo sie stehen und bringt sie voran. Individuell auf die jeweiligen Wünsche und "Baustellen" zugeschnitten. Egal, wo es hakt - ob Sprechtechnik, Akquise oder Schauspieltraining - Carola setzt den richtigen Hebel an. Immer wertschätzend und auf Augenhöhe. Anja Taborsky
Anja Taborsky, Sprecherin